Saturday, June 28, 2008

A new outlook on Pretty. Odd.

I want to apologize to my friend for leaving a comment on her blog saying I wasn't a fan of Northern Downpour, I lied :) I especially want to apologize to Panic At The Disco if I ever dissed them. Yesterday I went shopping and got Pretty. Odd. at F.Y.E. I just downloaded it on my iPod (I got a nano!) and I was shocked. The so called (or as I called them) "cheesy" lyrics were incredibly powerful and uplifting and the new sound is just great. I completely understand what's so great about Northern Downpour and I've decided to rate all the songs by stars:

We're So Starving- ***
Nine In The Afternoon- *****
She's A Handsome Woman- ***1/2
Do You Know What I'm Seeing?- *****
That Green Gentleman (Things Have Changed)- *****
I Have Friends In Holy Spaces- ****
Northern Downpour- *****
When The Day Met The Night- *****
Pas De Cheval- ***
The Piano Knows Something I Don't Know- ****
Behind The Sea- ****1/2
Folkin' Around- *****
She Had The World- ***1/2
From A Mountain In The Middle Of The Cabins- *****
Mad As Rabbits- ****

I really love how Ryan gets to sing in Mad As Rabbits and She Had The World. He has a great voice, but he needs to put a little more enthusiasm in his voice and he goes a little flat when he scoops to a note. Of course, I could criticize Brendon, but I'm so used to his voice and that's why I notice more things about Ryan. I especially like when he sings in She Had The World, I think he sounds great.

So, that's it for today. I won't be posting in eight days because I'll be in Vancouver for my competition. Wish me luck!


Jenna said...

I knew you'd come to your senses and realize how ridiculously amazing Northern Downpour is <33 But seriously, if you never liked it, it's not like I woulda disowned you or anything. lol
I totally agree; Pretty. Odd. is one of those album that just grows on you; you laugh at it at first, can't really take it seriously ... and then you realize, wow, this band has gone completely out of their comfort zone to make music that's so different from anything anyone else has ever done. And once you can appreciate the challenge that was for the band ... you can really appreciate the album and the music.
I don't have the whole album but I bought some of the songs off iTunes and listen to the others as often as possible. I love this album!
I remember Ryan singing his parts in Mad As Rabbits and She Had The World and then covering some of the echoes in Northern Downpour at the concert I went to a few weeks ago. It sounded lovely.
Have fun in Vancouver, and good luck! <33